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3 Things I Learned Attending A 7-8 Figure Mastermind

I just shot this video (which isn’t even fancily processed yet) to tell you about the top takeaways from the mastermind I just attended in Scottsdale.

And now I’m flying back!

in case you’re a reader, here are a couple of the biggest takeaways:

Work ON your business, not just IN it. 

most of us are conditioned to react and respond to life’s habits, routines, and set conditions the way things already are. 

One of the top skills of an entrepreneur is thinking, and targeted thinking time is one of the most important activities in an entrepreneurs day, unfortunately, most business owners are so busy putting out fires, or worse not starting fires in the first place because they are so consumed with reacting to everybody else’s agendas.

it can be really difficult to turn off your phones, or your laptop, and simply think about what the biggest need a moving move is for your life and business, but I promise you it is the single biggest contributor to progress that high level achievers have. 

    Even inside of expensive rooms the people who paid for, or expensive programs, or private premium coaching programs, I am often amazed at how difficult people find it to slow down and think! i’m constantly challenged by this, and have to have a deliberate practice around slowing down, and holding space to be deliberate. Which is why I attended this mastermind in the first place. 

Your business will only rise to your level of willingness to lead it. 

although you are not your business, you are the leader of it, and you are the creator, you are the founder, and you are the one who cares the absolute most about it. 

   if you are not OK, it’s going to be very challenging move the needle on your business. 

take care better care of yourself. 

The compound effect only works if you work it daily (or close to it) and keep adding to your success

We *say* we don’t believe in silver bullets and get rich quick, but do we really not believe it?

because If we don’t believe get rich quick then that means we are going to be patient with allowing the process to unfold, but also we are going to double-down on investing in our process and SHOW UP TO IT. 

Big results come from committed action over time. And think, just 5 years ago, where were you?

5 years ago I had NO email list, no blog, no videos online, no social media following or presence, and I certainly hadn’t made a million dollars in any business doing anything. I hadn’t been a keynote speaker on anyone else’s stages, and I wouldn’t be starring in documentaries or speaking on podcasts…

The compound effect of daily commitment to actions moving toward your dreams MATTERS. 

Do what matters. 



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