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The Hidden Cost of “Free” in Your Coaching Business

If you’ve been in the coaching world for any amount of time, you’ve seen the DOZENS (heck… HUNDREDS) of FREE trainings…

FREE ways to get clients…

And FREE ways to scale your business...

Who doesn’t love FREE stuff? I mean, it sounds so good! What could be...

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The Secret to Satisfying Mr. Mortgage and Mrs. Visa

May I ask you a personal question, one that could help you get more clients and satisfy Mr. Mortgage and Mrs. Visa?

Have you ever done the “ostrich dance” when it comes to asking for money for your coaching?

I know I have. 

And I don’t know a single successful coach who...

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Top 10 Expenses for First-Year Coaches

When I started coaching, I thought:

I’ve got a cell phone and an internet connection. What else could I possibly need to build a successful coaching business?

Then I realized all the things I hadn’t thought about. 

Because I didn’t expect to need these things, I felt...

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Have you ever freaked out about this part of your business?

I was on the phone with one of my best friends, and I was so nervous I almost peed myself. 

She had already told me she wanted to coach with me, but when it came to talking about the money, I just felt… stuck.  

Somehow, by the end of the call, I made the sale!


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How High Performers Are Sometimes Kept from Taking Action



There’s one sneaky little devil that creeps in and trips up even the highest performers in any field. 

This little stinker is so easy to overlook. It even comes to you like it’s your friend

But it most definitely is NOT. 

In fact, after spending years...

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How to Strengthen Your Mindset without Messing with Mindset



I hope you won’t mind if I get a little weird with you today?

This “weirdness” is what allows some coaches to really connect with their market and be a go-to expert, even without trying...

… while the coaches who don’t get this keep banging...

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What to do when you feel trapped or stuck?


Many coaches are so big on having a Positive Mindset that we normal humans can feel insecure or like we’re doing something wrong if we have “one of those days.”

Can’t it sometimes feel exhausting trying to always be positive?

Not only that, but I’ve seen the...

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The 2R Method to Eliminate Procrastination from Prospecting

Have you ever found yourself TRYING REALLY HARD to pump yourself up to start prospecting...

But then excuses pop up automatically that make you procrastinate and keep you stuck?

When I first started my coaching business, I was a Procrastination Maestro.

But then I found 2 secrets that helped me...

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Why Lack of Consistency Isn’t Your Problem

I hear it all the time…

Whether I’m coaching around business-building, or helping someone to finally get into healthier eating and exercise habits, consistency is KING!

“Amanda, I’m just not consistent enough”

This week in The CRUSH Method Show, I’m sharing...

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