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The Immediate Cure For Procrastination

Have you ever felt completely stuck in the grind of where you are, but you're finding it difficult to make the moves necessary to improve your situation? We're talking about our leap into entrepreneurship from corporate this week!

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Your New Year Planning Ritual

I used to write off New Year's resolutions... that is, until, I nerded out, and figured out that the often-quoted "only 8% of new years resolutions work out" articles that I saw everywhere were pretty much click-bait...

It turns out that closer to 90% of people who set serious resolutions make...

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Special Episode: Discussing HABITS with Big Bold You with Gens Johnson

Successful? Not? 

It comes down to your habits.

This week I sat down with Gens Johnson, a motivational speaker, coach, and transformational leader on her show, Big Bold You, her weekly live show discussing the topics that make you bigger, bolder, and more YOU! and we had a blast together...

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Gratitude: The Ultimate Happiness Accelerator

Happy Thanksgiving to those in the US, and for those outside, hope you have a week full of family, gratitude, and thanks as well! I'm fortunate in getting to celebrate TWO Thanksgivings per year (one because of my Canadian background, the other because I now live in the US) and that leaves me...

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